domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010

Current Mirrors

The next item is current mirrors, another little understood circuit. These are extremely useful in amplifier design, and in this section I will show where they can be used, and the benefits that can be obtained.
The basic current mirror is shown in the next Figure, and it can be seen that whatever current is injected into the left side is mirrored, and the right hand side is a constant current source (sink) reflecting the injected current. Should the input current at change, so will the output current, but it will remain constant, regardless of the actual voltage (provided it remains within the supply limits of course).

Figure 10
         A Basic Current Mirror

The problem with this circuit is that the current in the two halves is different - the mirrored current is too low, differing by 19 uA (it is actually 20 uA, but the simulation accuracy used was not great enough to show this). If we check, we will find that the emitter currents of both transistors are identical, so the 20 uA that "disappeared" is the base current that must be supplied to each transistor (10 uA each).

Adding emitter resistors does absolutely nothing to alleviate this, but is useful if the transistors are not matched. Even then the resistors do not really do a lot of good, unless the voltage developed across them is significant (at least 100 mV, and preferably more) but it helps a little bit.

Figure 11
     Buffered Current Mirror

A better solution is to use a buffer as shown in the previous figure. This removes the base current component of the error, and makes the current mirror matching a lot better. This simple addition has reduced the error dramatically, but it can be improved even more. While not generally needed for audio amplification, improved performance is essential for test and measurement, or other critical applications.

Figure 11B
    Four Transistor Current Mirror

As you can see from the above, previous figure is almost perfect the current balance is extremely good. While this arrangement is used in analogue opamps and other circuits requiring high precision, there would be no advantage using it in a power amplifier. There simply is no need for such precision. It will not generally improve distortion, bandwidth or dynamics, but may give a marginal improvement in DC offset (which can be up to 100mV without causing any problems whatsoever in most power amps used for audio). All we need to do now is find a use for these circuits.

Differential Pair Amplifier

Consider the differential pair (aka long tailed pair or LTP). Most of the time, we are losing half the gain of the circuit, since the output is taken from only one collector as shown in the next figure. This configuration also suffers from linearity problems, unless the output is current only - as is the case when driving the base of a transistor (this is shown below).

Figure 12
The Long Tailed Pair As A Voltage Amplifier

The circuit as shown (without the essential biasing components, which were omitted for clarity) has a voltage gain of 285 (again using transistors with a hFE of 100), and is quite linear at low output voltages. The linearity will suffer badly as the level increases, and even with the +/-20 volt supplies used is not satisfactory (10% THD) as a voltage amp for outputs greater than 1.35 Volts RMS (this is at an input voltage of 5 mV).

Using a current source / sink in the "tail" is very common in amplifier circuits, and this variant is shown below. It is commonly (but entirely mistakenly) assumed that this increases the gain (in the circuit shown, gain is reduced to 168), but the real purpose is to improve the common mode capability of the circuit. Common mode signals are those that are applied to both inputs in the same polarity, and are generally required to be rejected. Using a simple resistive tail severely limits the common mode voltage that can be accommodated before severe distortion occurs, and indeed the common mode rejection of the circuit is almost useless.
In the example above, the common mode rejection is well under 1dB but with a current sink tail the rejection is almost 65dB. In most amplifier circuits common mode signals (of the undesirable kind) are not an issue if the input stage is properly designed. Although a high common mode ability is usually considered necessary, this is not always the case. For a typical power amplifier, the common mode voltage cannot exceed the input voltage for full power. There are other good reasons to use a current source/sink though, one of which is to ensure that circuit stabilises at a low voltage, eliminating (or at least minimising) switch-on / off thump.

If a current mirror is used as the load, gain is increased by a very useful amount, and the next figure shows the arrangement used. The stage gain is now 850 and the use of a current sink as the tail has no effect (provided that the current is maintained at 4 mA). This circuit is shown in the next figure, and although useful in certain applications, it is not suitable to drive the output stage of a power amplifier.

Figure 13
Using A Current Mirror The LTP Load

If we really wanted to get silly (and I have seen it done), we can put all the bits together in one place, and finish up with an input stage + Class-A driver, with a total open loop gain (i.e. without feedback) of 33,800 or 90dB (but still loaded with 100k). This will not increase dramatically when the output is buffered - the output impedance is actually reasonably low, at about 4k. The buffered current mirror does not help the gain, but reduces output offset. The complete circuit is shown in the next Figure, and is a useful example of the techniques discussed in this article. Open loop distortion is about 5% at 6V RMS output, but will fall dramatically when feedback is applied.

Figure 14
                Combination LTPs and Current Mirror

This circuit uses an input LTP that drives a secondary LTP as the Class-A amplification stage. The load for this second LTP is a current mirror, and this arrangement has excellent linearity. I suspect that it could be a cow to stabilise in a real amplifier circuit, and quite frankly, I do not see any reason to go this far. Many amplifiers have been designed using this arrangement, and it's very common with MOSFET output stages. Initial measurements on a MOSFET amp using this drive stage show that stability is not as good as I would like to see (there are traces of oscillation at some output levels), but overall stability seems to be acceptable. I expect that the wide bandwidth of the MOSFET output devices might make this arrangement a little more tractable than would be the case with bipolar transistors. I have not found it to be necessary though, and the P101 MOSFET amp does not use this input/driver stage combination.


Nombre: Rodriguez B. Joiver I.
Asignatura: EES

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